SARS Tax Clearance Certificate the tax clearance certificate is a document issued by SARS and include the entity TAX, PAYE, VAT number, etc. the tax clearance confirm that you tax affairs are all in order with the SARS. the tax clearance certificate is valid for 1 year. the tax clearance certificate can be used for "tender" or "good standing". to qualify all tax and other return submissions and payments must be up to date. as registered tax practitioners at SARS we can apply for a TCC electronically within a few days. you can obtain this for a discounted fee of only R 580 by completing the TCC application form below. Applicant Application Form CompanyClose CorporationIndividual Good standingTender [group company-entity-closecorporationorcompany] [/group] [group company-entity-individual] [/group] Entity street address Entity postal address I have a bank accountI don't have a bank account [group company-hasabankacc]—Please choose an option—ABSAFirst National BankStandard BankNedbankCapitecOther [group other-bank] [/group] [/group] [group company-nobankacc] [/group] Δ