[fourcol_three]The subscription to Gavin’s Desk is an email newsletter that is sent to clients on a bi-monthly basis, which covers articles and topics of interest as relates to the accounting, taxation and business valuation practices within South Africa.
The newsletter also serves as a guide to bring to your attention, important deadlines such as provisional tax submissions etc.
Now and again, we will include other business related articles in order to provide a broader coverage of developments that may have an impact on you the client.
We keep the articles short and to the point, as we understand that clients have limited time available to them and do not have time to wade through lengthy articles or emails.
We encourage clients to send in questions and request for further explanations or to schedule a meeting, if there are any articles which trigger an interest or require further clarification.
Any questions will be answered within a 48 hour response.
Clients who have attended our training and make use of the Financial Health Analyser (two step tango), will receive updated models from time to time.
All clients receive the annual tax calculator model as part of the service.
Thus membership includes:
[unordered_list style=”bullet”]- A minimum of Bi-monthly (ie every two months) newsletters
- Financial Health Analyser and updates from time to time
- Tax calculator – updated on an annual basis.
- Access to professional accountants and tax practitioners to answer related queries.
The subscription fee is R 500,00 pa and is renewed annually with your consent unless otherwise instructed.
We look forward to being of service.
Financial & Tax Practitioner
Public Practice Number: PPG01087
Tax Practitioner number: PR-44861D6
Member of the SA Institute of Tax Practitioners
Member (Fellow) of the Chartered Secretaries Southern Africa
Member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
SAIPA Certified Independent Review Practitioner.
Member of the Market Technicians Association (USA)
[button link=”https://finsolve.co.za/finsolve/gavins-desk-july-august-2013/” color=”red” window=”yes”]Click here to access the July/August edition of Gavin’s Desk[/button] (Password: gavinsdesk)